Find dates, make friends and fall in love on the ROMEO website, iOS or Android app. s #1 social network for the gay/bi male and transgender communities. In order to send messages, you need to verify your profile by clicking on that link. 000), Five of them from Uganda, leaving them heartbroken that they couldn’t help more LGBTQI+. To find out how to reactivate your profile, please read the message we sent to your profile from “ROMEO-Support”. com. Find dates, make friends and fall in love on the ROMEO website, iOS or Android app. If working at ROMEO sounds like an exciting opportunity that you would like to be a part of, then. Our apps and website provide a friendly online space for gay guys to hang out, chat, meet and date. To know how to customize the aspect of your search results, click here. We embrace diversity and support our global Rainbow family. This way ROMEO can support you in case you have any following questions or needs for support and train the customer service of ROMEO;. If you don't want to allow incoming video calls, you can disable the option on the app's SETTINGS (cog wheel icon or ☰ icon on the right)Customer Support. But more importantly, 2013 also marked the start of the Foundation Donation Program,. ROMEO, also known as PlanetRomeo or GayRomeo, is one of the world's most exciting dating apps and social network for gay, bi and trans people. pictures. ROMEO. To delete a single message » open the chat. Download apps by PlanetRomeo BV, including ROMEO - Gay Dating & Chat. Replies. Um die Bilder- und Albenverwaltung zu öffnen, klicke auf dein Profilvorschaubild (oben rechts) » Bilder » Bilderverwaltung. On November 7th, friends and colleagues from ROMEO, PlanetRomeo Foundation, members of LGBT initiatives in Holland as well as past and present Foundation Board members joined together in our office in Amsterdam to mark this important milestone. Read more. 225 Projects. Great Free Plan: Most of PlanetRomeo's key features don't require a paid subscription. What started out as a hobby soon evolved into a gay platform. ROMEO. - ROMEO App is for people aged 18 and over. planetromeo. If you are horny, you will find someone who’s going to get you off in one way or another—and that can happen in more than one. To use a dynamic location based on your GPS (GPS has to be enabled in your device), enable 'Use GPS position'. They range from people who have difficulty logging in, to users having trouble uploading pictures and so on. ROMEO Website version also available. Visit site. FAQ & SUPPORT. Wie konfiguriere ich meine Gruppeneinstellungen? Wie kann ich einen Beitrag anpinnen? Wie kann ich ein Mitglied aus meiner Gruppe entfernen? Wie kann ich eine Gruppe erstellen?The customer service was so nasty and arrogant to me today, but they hide under email without there real name, other wise i will write personal complain against there employee. 44. If you purchased you subscription in ROMEO Android. com site and launched HUNQZ. Coffee and the internet are my two necessities for survival. You can also reach their team via e-mail, phone, and live chat. planetromeo. Um einen Videochat zu starten oder anzunehmen, stelle in den Systemeinstellungen deines Android oder iOS Betriebssystems sicher, dass die ROMEO App Berechtigt ist auf Kamera und Mikrofon zuzugreifen. Lingua. Download ROMEO App now! Gay dating. To manage your members click on "Manage" on the right. To publicly link a profile, open it » click the 'Contact' icon on the profile (blue silhouette) » activate 'add as friend' » click 'Save contact'. ROMEO @PlanetRomeo. Place of Origin: Herzogenaurach, Germany. The site was started as a hobby and was called GayRomeo in. ROMEO BLOG. At the beginning of 2018, we moved our escort service to our new romeo. You may come into your cruising experience with certain expectations, but the most thrilling part is that you don’t know what the outcome will be. Customer Support. PlanetRomeo Foundation is an independent, registered non-profit established in 2009 to contribute to the fight for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and. Tweets. Wenn Du deinen eigenen Quickshare-Ordner freigeben möchtest ohne dass der Zugriff angefragt wurde, tippe entweder in einem Profil auf das "Blitz"-Symbol, oder im Chat auf das "Datei anhängen"-Symbol (Büroklammer) und wähle dann Quickshare-Ordner. How do I send a picture? ROMEO Web. Pour trouver tes contacts, clique sur l'icône de la "bulle" en haut à droit -> 'CONTACTS'. Risk and the unknown are a part of what makes cruising so exciting. Romeos embrace diversity and support the global LGBT+ family. If you’re facing technical issues, your query will be answered by the blog section for technical. To request access to someone’s QuickShare album, just open the user’s profile and scroll to the picture album area. So, the older site will remain online until all bugs are ironed out and fabulous feature updates are represented on the new. To keep you safe, we use over 100 security-based rules and AI self-learning algorithms that continuously. PlanetRomeo Foundation is seeking applications for its grants program to provide funding up to € 5,000 to grassroots emerging LGBTI projects and initiatives. Fill in your address and add a map. Um Bilder zu verschieben, klicke links auf das Album in dem sich diese befinden » tippe oben rechts auf "Auswählen. Deleted messages can't be restored. Um andere Orte zu erkunden nutze TRAVEL (Flugzeugsymbol unten rechts). Wait until your device has an active Internet connection, and then open the App again. Prices and benefits. ROMEO App is for people aged 18 and over. Ajoutez un fichier ou faites glisser les fichiers ici . ROMEO, also known as PlanetRomeo or GayRomeo, is one of the world's most exciting dating apps and social network for gay, bi and trans people. You may add more pictures from another album without loosing the selection » click on 'Add . com. ROMEO Android. How are you finding working from home: It’s weird to. To see a list of users you've blocked, tap on the chat-bubble icon in the bottom. You are in charge of the content in your group eg Post & Album section. Dans l'appli, touche l'icône représentant une roue dentée (en bas à droite) > "Ma position". Za 12 měsíců je to 5,61 USD za měsíc (celková cena je – 67,32 USD) Výhody – různé vzrušující funkce. We are sex-positive and have a website version without prudish store rules. Download ROMEO App now! Gay dating. To prevent abuse, ROMEO may ask you to provide proper proof of your identity. You heard it right, ROMEO is celebrating 20 years of igniting love, friends. PlanetRomeo Reviews July 2023; PlanetRomeo Reviews July 2023. PLANETROMEO, also known as GAYROMEO is Europe. If any of these are suitable to you, we look forward to hearing from you. We celebrate diversity and support our global LGBT+ family. Planetromeo offers some services, and one of them is Hunqz – male escort service. planetromeo - M. - ROMEO Website version also available. Hard reset - Éteins ton appareil et attends quelques secondes. Planet Romeo was initially called ‘GayRomeo’ and only available in Germany. To see who visited your profile and who. ROMEO, also known as PlanetRomeo or GayRomeo, is one of the world's most exciting dating apps and social network for gay, bi and trans people. Tap the user icon (on the right) » tap 'Remover user' to delete them from your contacts. Um einen festen Standort zu nutzen, deaktiviere 'Dein GPS-Standort'. Utiliza la lupa (arriba a la derecha) para buscar por nombre de perfil entre tus contactos. You can easily deactivate your profile. We embrace diversity and support our global Rainbow family. Gelöschte Profile können. ROMEO, also known as Planetromeo, is the world’s most exciting network for gay and bisexual guys and trans people. Um die Bilder- und Albenverwaltung zu öffnen, klicke auf dein Profilvorschaubild (oben rechts) » Bilder » Bilderverwaltung. ee/planetromeo Joined August 2009. Click on the QuickShare folder and then select “Request access”. What do you do for our users: In case a user has a question about our services, I’m here to help, as well as if a user has any issues. Klicke rechts oben auf dein Profilbild* » gehe auf 'Profil bearbeiten' » 'Account' » 'Profilname' » gib deinen neuen Profilnamen ein » gib dein Passwort ein » klicke auf 'Speichern' um die Änderung zu übernehmen. To find the picture and album management section, tap on the sidebar menu icon ☰ » 'Manage pictures'. Um Bilder zu verschieben, klicke links auf das Album in dem sich diese befinden » tippe oben rechts auf "Auswählen. When you create a profile or when you change the email address associated to it, we send a message to your address with a link. Tippe auf das Seitenleistenmenü ☰ » tippe auf den aktuellen Status (unter deinem Profilbild) » wähle den gewünschten online-Status. ROMEO iOS. Hot to see XXX content on ROMEO? 🔥. Community Amsterdam, The Netherlands linktr. Contact information for HIV/AIDS support groups and organisations in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is also provided on the website. Upload a profile photo in landscape format, 2:1 ratio is perfect. Wir führen Sie durch den PlanetRomeo Desktop-LogIn. Updated: January 17, 2023. Lösche alle temporären Dateien und Cookies, leere den Browserzwischenspeicher. The other user will receive a message with your request and you will see “Access requested” on his profile. ROMEO, also known as Planetromeo, is the world’s most exciting network for gay and bisexual guys and trans people. ROMEO, also known as Planetromeo, is the world’s most exciting network for gay and bisexual guys and trans people. ROMEO WEB. You can move your pictures by tapping on the album name to open the album » tap on the 3 dots, top-right » 'Select pictures' » tap the pic (s) you want to move » tap the 'Move' icon on top right » tap a destination album. Sobald du ein Chatfenster öffnest, signalisiert ein kleines Kamerasymbol (oben rechts), dass VideoChat mit diesem Nutzer verfügbar ist. Garde à l'esprit que les profils ROMEO ne peuvent pas être convertis en profils HUNQZ. Happy dating! | Classic. Wir haben die ROMEO UNCUT App entwickelt, um Dir mehr Extras bieten zu können, als im Play Store erlaubt sind. 3. The site was started as a hobby and was called GayRomeo in October 2002 by Planetromeo GmbH in Berlin, Germany. Dree39, you have our attention. On smaller screens, click or tap instead on the icon of a picture (bottom right). To accept a link request, open the automatic message you received » click 'Respond to Link Request' » click 'FRIEND REQUEST' and again on the green check mark. What is your role in ROMEO/ERASYS: I’m a Support Agent for the German and English-speaking users of ROMEO. Effettua il log out e log in - Tocca l'icona della ruota dentata e seleziona 'Esci'. How do I install the UNCUT App for Android? We developed the ROMEO UNCUT App to offer you more features than the ones allowed by the Play Store. Customer Support. com traffic statistics. Bitte bedenke, dass HUNQZ Profile nicht in ROMEO Profile umgewandelt werden können. After you have followed our instructions, you can ask us to check. We would advise using PlanetRomeo on your mobile, compared to the web-based site, for a. com traffic statistics. We embrace diversity and support our global Rainbow family. To send a picture as an attachment, open the message window » click the '+' icon (bottom-left) » select 'My Pictures' » select a specific album from the drop-down menu and select the pictures to send. Resetta l'App - Premi due volte sul tasto home del dispositivo e scorri in alto l'anteprima della nostra App. Titanic dominated the Oscars, The first Apple iMac came out, Harrison Ford was named the Sexiest man alive, Europeans agreed to use the Euro, Brad Pitt and Jenifer Anniston were still a ‘thing’, and it was during this time that ROMEO was born. ROMEO Android. Most of us are gay ourselves and proud to connect millions of men all over the world across borders, cultures, and languages. PlanetRomeo is a dating website for gay, bisexual, and transgender males is a safe place where men can feel part of a safe community. Du kannst einen kürzlich genutzten Standort auswählen oder einen neuen erstellen, indem du auf 'Wähle deinen Standort (max. Nicknames, chill fonts, icons and labels having Planetromeo – man, Pierre, higher man, hommesimple, great, Parag. Ouvre simplement l'appli > Touche "Ajouter un compte" > "Nous rejoindre maintenant" > Saisis un nom de profil, un mot de passe, une date de naissance et une adresse de courriel > "Suivant". planetromeo. ROMEO Web. We are a close-knit, open-minded, free array of people who care for a sex-positive queer community, online and offline. › articles. ROMEO iOS. Unfortunately, they were only able to support 24 projects out of 100 (with €138. Customer Support Questions Fréquemment Posées Gestion de Profil Comment réinitialiser mon mot de passe? Comment supprimer mon profil? Comment obtenir un nouveau mot. Related: Amsterdam Pride. We're, really sorry about that, guys. This Beta is still a testing phase before the final launch. Mail: [email protected] simplement sur > Sélectionne "Rejoins-nous !" et suis les étapes pour remplir ton profil. To block a user, open their profile » tap on the ⃠ icon in the top-right corner and click on “block” in the bottom. LEISTUNGSSTARKE SUCHE: füge in der App zusätzliche Filter hinzu, speichere deine Lieblingssuchen im Web. . Download ROMEO App now! Gay dating has never been. The 28-year-old computer scientist combines intelligence with beauty. We kickstart small brave LGBT+ initiatives where it is most needed worldwide. Pour trouver la liste des contacts enregistrés (y compris tes profils bloqués, favoris, amis et connus personnellement), clique sur 💬 (en bas) -> CONTACTS (à côté de tchat). Ora entra di nuovo. XXX-BILDER: schau dir ALLE. Auf kleineren Bildschirmen wird das Profilvorschaubild durch das Menüzeichen ☰ ersetzt. After several months we understand that the "mobile" version is a too light version of the full featured old website, that too many functionalities are missing or badly. To know how to customize the aspect of your search results, click here. Health Resources: Aside from its dating service, PlanetRomeo offers a wealth of sexual health support and resources for its members. Click to Follow PlanetRomeo. DBA DOMAIN ROBOT Registration Date 2004-05-27 Last Update 2016-05-28 Domain Length 15 Domain Extension. ROMEO Web. Romeo (until 2021 PlanetRomeo) is a social network for gay, bisexual, queer and transgender people. ROMEO iOS After opening the app » tap the 'RADAR' (⦾) icon and go to DISTANCE, ACTIVITY or NEW » tap the 'Search options' menu icon (sliders, bottom-center) to open the search options » tap 'Apply'. ROMEO Website version also available. We embrace diversity and support our global Rainbow family. The special funding round for Uganda. com traffic statistics. ROMEO, also known as PlanetRomeo or GayRomeo, is one of the world's most exciting dating apps and social network for gay, bi and trans people.